Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This wall pocket hangs outside the front door of our beach house. We use this door constantly, so I was very surprised to notice a bird's nest in it. Not only would I have thought they would have chosen a quieter place, but the wall pocket is filled with old, stiff plastic greenery! I stood on tiptoes to peek into the nest, not really expecting to find anything in it. Much to my surprise, as I leaned over it, the mother bird practically flew into my face! I kept a close watch, and when I saw her fly away, I grabbed my camera and started snapping. I only had a few seconds before she returned, so my pictures are unfortunately blurry.

First, there were two...

Then, three...

And, finally, four hungry mouths to feed!


  1. Awwww, too sweet!
    xoxo Pattie

  2. Gorgeous! After dogs, ducks are my very favourite creature. Thank you for your lovely comment - I hope you enjoyed your wander through Brabourne Farm! Leigh

  3. How could I not stop by a blog with the title "Honeysuckle and Hissy Fits"? As a born and raised southerner (now a midwest transplant) I know all about both! Wonderful photos. I'll be back to "visit".


  4. What a great surprise. I bet you about came out of you skin when she flew out. I have done that before. I guess they don't care that the greenery isn't real.

  5. Thanks for stopping by for a "visit". I just checked out your blue guestroom. Lovely! The pillow from Thailand is beautiful. I am assuming that your are a southerner who likes Thai cuisine?? My sweet Virginia mother came to live with us the last years of her life. I took her to our favorite Thai restaurant thinking she'd be appalled. Quite the contrary. She fell in love with the food and the owners and they her. She'd insist we go for lunch and/or dinner at least once a week. And, when she was feeling energetic, she invited the owners to our house for southern fried chicken, mashed potatoes and "real" green beans that she cooked for hours. They loved it!


  6. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for linking in at Heart and Home! Your pictures of the birds and their nest are perfect. They are just adorable, and what a wonderful surprise! My neighbor has a mom bird that comes back every year and builds a nest right above the doorbell to her front door. Maybe they enjoy watching us as much as we like watching them?!
    Thanks again for linking, hope you'll be back soon!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  7. That's amazing! What a fabulous little find. You would think they would have picked someplace quieter. :)

  8. Oh my goodenss...that is so must have been so surprised when she flew out! Great Photos.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog...I have signed up to follow yours and look forward to keeping up with your posts!

    Stay Cozy, carrie

  9. Awww, so cute. I remember when I was pregnant with Maddie I found a baby bird in the park that had fallen out of a nest....we nursed that little guy for a couple of days and then returned it to the nest...always wondered if we did the right thing for him or her. Great photos.

  10. Awww, how cute, I had a bird build a nest in my door wreath one year and had 5 or 6 tiny little birds like that, it was so nice seeing little blue eggs first then the birds. I threw the wreath away afterwards cos it was covered in bird poop!!!

  11. Ooooh soooooo ADORABLE!!! I just got done watching baby hummingbirds outside my kitchen window... sad to see them grow and fly away... le sigh!

  12. How sweet! You managed to get some great shots. It will be fun watching them mature.

    Love the name of your blog!

    ~ Tracy

  13. We had one in my fountain that I converted to a planter. You got some wonderful shots! I was afraid to take photos. First time I went to try, same thing happen to me, she almost took my eye out, then sat in a nearby tree and threw a hiss fit. So I left them be.

    I was a bit sad when they all flew the coup.


  14. We love to watch the birds in our vine every spring. The parents work so hard to build the nest and then to feed them and teach them to fly. I'm just thankful that our kids don't fly away so quickly...sniff.

  15. What amazing photographs!
    I enjoyed visiting your blog so much this evening-
    I'll be back!


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